


Sunday 15th December 2024


Munda Biddi Trail, North Dandalup, Perth, Western Australia




Runners Transferring from last year please use the discount code sent to you via email. There are no transfers for runners entering this year. Runners wishing to withdraw before December 1 will receive a 50% refund upon written notification (email) to the Race Director. Runners who need to withdraw but are able to volunteer on the day will receive a full refund.


RACE DAY CHECK IN: 3:30am North Dandalup Memorial Hall, Sth West Hwy North Dandalup. Half Marathon 5:15am (Half Marathon

PRE- RACE BUS leaves Dwellingup Visitors Centre 3am Sharp! HALF MARATHON BUS leaves Dwellingup Visitors Centre 5am Sharp don’t be late

RACE DAY BRIEFING: 4:25am Goldmine Hill (1km from North Dandalup). Half Marathon 6:25am Nth Spur Rd (Munda Biddi crossing)

RACE DAY START TIME: 4:30am Goldmine Hill (1km from North Dandalup). Half Marathon 6:30am Nth Spur Rd (Munda Biddi crossing) CUT OFF TIMES: 8.30am Aid Station 1 (23km / 4hrs) 10:30am Aid Station 2 (34k / 6hrs) 12:30pm Finish Line (46km / 8hrs).

The same cut off times apply for the Half Marathon IE 10:30am Aid Station 2 (12K/4 hours) and 12:30pm Finish Line (23K/6 hours).


You will be able to pick up your race numbers and shirts in the week leading up to the event at ‘The Running Centre’ 1/1273 Hay St, West Perth, Western Australia, 6005.*Specific times TBC. Race numbers and shirts can also be collected at the Dwellingup Caravan Park the day before the race on Saturday evening. *Specific times TBC


Half Marathoners register at the Nth Dandalup Hall between 5:15 & 5:50am. This is regardless of whether you have already collected your bib- there will be an express lane if you have though. Buses will leave the hall at 5:50am sharp to transport you to the start line where the Munda Biddi crosses Nth Spur Rd. Race start is 6:30am and runners are encouraged to stay left during the first 4.5K where the trail is quite wide to allow fast Marathoners room to pass. Once on the narrower trails just keep an ear out for faster runners and allow them to pass on request. The race distance is ~23.3K. There are no drop bags allowed for the Half Marathon although you may have crew meet you at Aid 2 if you wish.


Runners are permitted to have ONE drop bag available at Aid Station 1 (23km / Halfway mark). Items in the drop bags are to be kept to a minimum ie: shoe bag, bum bag or grocery bag and clearly labelled with participants name, race number and list contained items. Once all participants have passed Aid Station 1; drop bags will be transported to the finish line for collection.


Gear Checks are COMPULSORY and will be carried out at the ‘The Running Centre’ in the week leading up to the event. *Specific times TBC. Gear Checks will also be available at the Dwellingup Caravan Park the day before the race on Saturday evening. *Specific times TBC.


  • 1ltr Water
  • Mobile Phone (95% of the trail has Telstra reception)


First Aid Kit must contain the following items:

  • 3m+ long (un-stretched) snake/compression bandage
  • 1m long roll of 2-3cm wide strapping tape
  • 6 band aid strips
  • Survival blanket (recommended not compulsory)

*The compulsory equipment and first aid kit must be carried for the duration of the race.


The course is available for download as a gpx file for use with your GPS under the course tab at the top of the page. There is ~925m climb and 775m descent in the marathon (47.5K) and ~340m climb and 360m descent in the Half (23.4K). If you prefer to go old school, Munda Biddi map #2 shows the entire course including Whittaker’s Rd (Goldmine Hill) and is available from most bike shops and online.


Bus transport from the North Dandalup Hall to the start at Goldmine Hill (1.5km) on the morning of the race is included in the price of your race entry fee. Please bring a headlamp if you wish to run this as a warm up as Del Park Rd is very dark

1. PRE- RACE BUS leaves Dwellingup Visitors Centre 5am Sharp!

– If you are staying in or near to Dwellingup (race finish) the night before the race, you can leave your car in the wood chopping area behind the Dwellingup Hotel near to the finish line and a private bus service will be available on race day to take you to the start at North Dandalup for a small charge of $12 per person. This option can be purchased at the time of your online race registration.


2. POST RACE BUS leaves the Dwellingup finish line area after presentations at 1pm – if you wish to maximise your sleep you can drive straight to Nth Dandalup and leave your car on the Nth Dandalup Oval behind the hall and a private bus service will be available on race day to take you from the finish at Dwellingup back to North Dandalup Hall(regos) after presentations. There will be a small charge of $12 per person. This option can be purchased at the time of your online race registration.


You’ll be able to leave a drop bag in a designated area at the hall for transport to the finish. Please name your belongings clearly. Drop bags will be transferred to the finish for you to collect at the end of your run and located near to the finish line.


Participants are responsible to carry their own food and hydration for the marathon event – however water, energy drinks, fruit and lollies will be readily available at TWO checkpoints located at 23km & 34km along the course. The course will be marked with fluorescent pink tape and red arrows to guide you. Please follow these markers, do not deviate from the course and obey the instructions of the race officials at all times.


In the unlikely event of an emergency, first aiders will be located around the course and at the START / FINISH. Qualified personnel will be assessing participants during the race to make sure that everyone is in a fit and good physical condition to continue.


In the unfortunate situation a participant must withdraw from the event you must inform the nearest checkpoint staff and wait with them until the last participant passes the checkpoint and then be escorted – transported to the finish line accordingly.


In the unfortunate circumstances a participant has an accident during the race – please (if you can) make your way to the nearest checkpoint and notify the first aid staff. If a participant cannot make it to the next checkpoint as a result of injury – the participant must stay in the area of cause of injury and does not deviate from the course whilst also use their compulsory gear as required whilst also notifying other participants of their injury for them to in turn notify the next checkpoint staff. Whilst waiting for assistance the participant must stay in the location where they obtained their injury and the first aid team will come to them. Should another participant assist another injured runner; they are to take note of the time spent assisting the injured person and this time will be deducted from their overall time upon notification at the finish line.


This is a non-pacing event. Non-participants may NOT accompany runners along the course on foot, bike or motorized transport. Participants may have their own personal support crew at only ONE SECTION during the event at Aid Station Two (34k mark). Crewing is NOT permitted at any other point during the race. In addition, no crew / spectator vehicles may travel along any portion of the Munda Biddi trail during the race hours of 4:30am – 12.30pm. This includes the gravel road sections on Whittaker Road, Kesners Road, and Scarp Road.


Please be mindful that you are participating in a national forest and you are to respect the environment accordingly. Runners need to be aware that they will be running through a handful of residential areas, campgrounds and water catchment areas. The course will be open to the public on the day therefore please be courteous to others and aware of other users. Please dispose of any waste in the rubbish bins provided. Do not litter on the course – what goes in must go out!


It is recommended that participants traveling from overseas obtain appropriate travel insurance taking in to consideration they are taking part in a sporting event in the event of a medical emergency.


All amenities are available at the start/finish areas. Please follow directional signage and instructions from race officials.


Prize giving and after party location will be at the Dwellingup Lions Park where the race finishes. Please stay if possible and cheer in your fellow runners. Presentations will begin at 12:30pm which is the cut-off time for both events.


There is plentiful car parking in both start and finish areas. Please leave the limited bays near the hall for volunteers and officials. Please park to the south of the railway line at the finish to allow ease of movement for race officials and keep noise to a minimum for Banksiadale Rd residents.


There will be a coffee van at the finish from 7am. The van also sells food. From 10am vegetarian and vegan Subway will be available. Fresh fruit, Fruit Mince Pies, Soft Drinks and Beer will be available straight after you finish to refill the tank. If you require something else it is a short walk to the Dwellingup Hotel or local cafes.